rave1010hk 發表於 2012-6-19 11:16
Hi RC Friends, If I may a few words....
Of course Hong Kong has culture, and lots of it . . .
- Culture of overworked (starting young from kindergarten)
- Culture of under paid
- Culture of paying excessive property price and rent (be manipulated)
- Culture of queueing up for everything
- Culture of "trying" to make money
- Culture of Super fast and efficient
- Culture of eating lots (as there are lots)
- Culture of "No time to Play"
etc. etc.
and ohhh, almost forgot. . . . .for RC Fans, Culture of KWS "inch" "inch" "inch" vendors
Of course RC vendors in HK have lessor time to promote the hobby, or specifically F1, they are all HK people with HK cultures (as above). So long as they control the supplies (hobby drug) and have us HK RC hobby enthusiasts (drug addicts), they have plenty of "really strange" HK RC fans continues to spend lots ot time and money, paying for supplies; and willingly be "inched"; and be manipulated by RC race rules (tyres, motors, batteries etc.) to spend more and more.
So if I may, it isn't that we dont have enough enthusiasts in HK to promote a club (or F1 club), it's a simple practical HK reality. HK RC fans already contrbute a lot (time and money), with the given HK cultures that there is little time and money, it is not surprising such a club is hard to form no matter how passionate fans are.
PS: HK RC vendor is less likely to commit to one type of class (re: F1), as the wind may change suddenly to something else. This can happen quickly in HK too. So as a company/business it is not unusual they don't do just one class but many like that famous "Star Star" shop.
Hopefully the above may change, as be good to see if there are fans/friends out there who may have lots of time and money, and passion to promote this hobby or this F1.
Are there any? |