MR-03 VS TOP F1 (海棉胎,17.5T)
- 搾法分別大不大? (Is driving technique very different?)
My opinion: 有分別,但玩開 MR-03 會很易適應,因為玩 1/10 F1 會感覺每一個灣與灣之間既時間多咗,油門/Brake 控制實在左。
- 比賽心態需求 (Racing mentality focus needs)
My opinion: 一樣,一樣咁認真,一樣要操咁多次,一樣要用咁多時間去準備
- 速度感 (sense of speed, which is of faster sense/feeling)
My opinion: 直路一段和灣與灣之間, MR-03 會感覺上較快,但當有車一齊衝直路既時候, 1/10 F1 會緊張 D, 因為如果直路尾兩個人有小小失誤,或技術上有差距,咁就好可能要收野返屋企瞓覺架啦。
- 反應敏感度要求 (control reaction response need of the driver? which need more?)
My opinion: MR-03 need faster response on your own reaction, For example, a MR-03 running 1 lap around 10 seconds and have to face to more then 20 corners, but a 1/10 F1 you usual have more then 15 seconds for a lap and sometime it have less then 20 corners. Let think about it.
- 好玩度 (which is more fun?)
My opinion: 真係一樣咁好玩喎,我覺得係你身邊既朋友而家玩緊咩先,同埋你玩既心態啦。MR-03 就真係比錢入場玩先感受到佢好玩之處,1/10 F1 就可以唔比錢都有得去 JV 跑返轉,比錢去其他新界既車場玩又得。
見你會問埋比賽既心態,咁就講多一句啦,認真去參加一次比賽,計埋週邊既 equipments, 比賽所需既金錢,MR-03 都唔係少過1/10 F1 幾多架 JA,所以哩樣我就唔太覺得係 concern 既一個問題啦。但平時玩就緊係 MR-03 平過 1/10 F1 啦。
小小意見,唔知幫唔幫到你呢? |