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Nicholas.C 發表於 2013-10-1 20:51 您好, 我都係玩 F113, 客觀的講, 自己覺得佢真係好玩, 好定, 用料都好好, 也可以用其他牌子的車殼, 價錢也 ...
EDC2012 發表於 2013-10-1 21:16 thks c hing! if i play at JV is necessary plus "Gyro" or any brand of tires and degree suggest fo ...
kelvinayhh 發表於 2013-10-1 21:21 洗鬼gyro咩
EDC2012 發表於 2013-10-1 22:00 how many turns motor normally use? brushless or brush? or just use white pig enough? sorry for man ...
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