After upgraded to OP version 15.02.02, just follow the Vehicle Setup Wizard along the way, it will be linked to channel5 automatically.
Things to check:
- Transmitter: As I'm using Dev 8s my 3-switch can be shown graphically (vertical bar) getting low-mid-high values corresponding to the 3 diff. position of the Fmod switch.
- OpenPilot: Ensure Input->Flight Mode Switch Settings->Flight Mode Count showing 3 (but that's being the default value anyway);
Arm disarm/arm switch:
- Again, after upgrade to OP ver 15.02.02 I just follow the wizard. But you may check the Input->RC Input
For me, it's Function column=Accessory0 mapping to Channel6 which mapping to my transmitter GEAR switch, ensure your GEAR switch do trigger Low/High values when flipping around.. In your ArmSetting, you should set the corresponding Function column value, i.e. in my case Accessory0. Btw, I get used to set 'Always Armed', that's to say when power up, it's armed. For me it's less confusing. |