本帖最後由 965 於 2015-1-2 17:42 編輯
Which ready set you are talking about?
I 入手 few Kyosho ready set lately.... Good quality and price, most of them come with waterproof brushless electronic....and awesome looking body shell!
Some come with battery and charger as well, some don't, I recommend to get the ready set without battery/charger, save few hundred dollar, so u can get some good lipo battery and quick charger!
部Rage ve 好好玩!又平,又靚仔,又防水,一排電仲玩到好鬼耐! 都係千六 ... 有 2.4g radio, AWD, full bearings, metal shocks, brushless esc and motor, water proof servo, 自己買電同叉機. (三幾百).
Of course, you can get the Inferno GT ve RTR, 不過成五千,新玩末必啱... 我地呢d 70 後對京商點都有d情意結....