ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I am still missing Yellow H1!!!
I have 3 x Yellow H2, 3 x Black H2, 1 x Silver H2, 2 x Red H1 and 2 unpaint x H1 BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still missing sand/yellow H1 ar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyone wants to exchange???
原帖由 mikewu 於 2006-2-23 13:44 發表
My first red H1 cover was bought from Taiwan ga!!!! And my first Yellow H2 cover from Japan!!! But now... They are EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha~~~My first red H1 cover was bought from Taiwan too ar~~~真係橋~~~~不過計返差吾多成三舊水港紙~~~