原帖由 Sinly 於 2007-6-10 20:14 發表
小弟之前買左架TLT-1, 原本只係見佢細細架, 幾得意所以買來睇下, 但看完這個區和另外一版的各位師兄對TLT-1的改裝後, 自己都想把這架唔識爬的車仔改到識爬, 番閱所有有關的文章後, 雖然大約知要改的地方, 但仍有不解 ...
1. Lock 前後差速
- (去五金到買鋼膠, 跟住塞入去, 等佢硬化, 使內輪不再轉動)
You may try to get the Bevel Gear from KWS, they sell the parts. (50602) with this, you do not need to waste the gear if infuture you do not want to lock it.
2. Lock 中差速
- (這個唔知點Lock, 有無師兄教教)
3. 加長車身
- (有錢者可買JunFac Kit, 約99USD, 運費不知…. 有無兄弟試過?, 如果不買kit, 可以買一些柱仔加長架車, 不過狗骨就比較麻煩, 要DIY)
Becareful of Junfac, sometimes he may not reply your email. It happen to my friend, he claim that he ship the item but my friend never receive it and ended up..... no answer. you may also buy from other vendor in rccrawler, such as SW2... it all good but all this body need you to upgrade 中差速. either using Emaxx or R2.
4. 加闊輪距
- (可買Tobee 64mm, 價錢約400HKD?? 不過好像唔多耐用, 這個要其他兄弟prove 一下, 但有一樣野就係唔知JunFac 裡有個加長輪距的和Tobee 果個有咩分別)
Try to go with 32mm, 64mm maybe too wide. You may try JetHobby, they should have Tobee parts.
5. 改油壓
- (Emaxx 油壓 x 4, 請問大概幾錢呢?)
6. 改用強力Servo
- (因改闊輪距和大車輪後, normal servo 會唔夠力, 所以要用個MG995等強力servo, 不過價錢就成800個大洋 +)
7. 改用大車輪
- (有好多師兄都講用2.2, 不過想問一下, 如果改用其他大車輪, 如TXT果d , 得唔得?)
2.2 is big enough. you may go with 40series tire. but it maybe too big.
8. 轉用強力轉向裝備
- (原因和改用強力servo一樣, 所以要改用金屬Servo柱, 底板, 轉向杯和Servo Saver)
9. 改Motor, 插齒比 和電變
- (齒比不太清楚…)
10. 改中波箱
- (這個是為了減輕Motor負荷而設, 不過這個都唔多清楚, 是有得買還是要DIY?)
Hope this help. |