原帖由 lazer 於 2007-8-19 23:08 發表
問人意見又唔一定要聽o既, 買車除左考慮性能, 有d人都會考慮觀感,
有個fan唔鐘意e家d belt drive車, 因為唔中意個motor 凸晒出o黎, 仲意玩軸車喎.. 哈哈
Very agree! One must choose the car he loves.
In my opinion, both cars are ok. 6.5R is not so powerful. Even shaft-drive can handle it (Someone has put a 4.5R in TB EVO 5 and no problem at all)! Shaft drive tends to have larger acceleration and instance power response. At the same time, this means not as smooth as bell drive. However it is really no big different with bell drive in nowadays. |