Ang: Yes indeed once reaching 1/6 I think it's quite an extreme and I don't have a huge backyard, however there's a very big empty park only 3 mins (tank driving time) away from my house that's where I play it. My bank account? Struggling to keep up with my ever BIGGER hobby. Thankfully, I'm too old to live with my mum so she can tell me off
You're right about HK hobbyists, I was one of them....20 yrs ago...HA HA still remember my first rc tank...
hcr: I am lviing in England at the moment, planning to return to HK, along with the tanks!!
Haha, I could imagine that if you still live with your parents, then they would probably won't allow you to bring this monster home as the heavy metal track will rip up the lawn and it takes up a small car's parking space
Ha, big empty park within 3 mins R/C tank driving time? Lucky U
It is hard enough to find a small park with real grass and trees in the concrete jungle of HK, let alone having a BIG EMPTY park within walking distance from your house and you can actually drive your R/C tank across the lawn !!
Anyway, you're one lucky dude & it must be a great experience to actually owning one and it would also be one of the many boys/men's dream ...besides fast cars and hot babes
hehehe indeed u're right Ang it will be almost impossible to find a good place to play with it in Hong Kong.
Will post pics and videos up here once I receive the 1/4 KT and familiarise myself with it!!