just like many other brands, the HK brands don't care much about their reputation in HK.
that's what i observed. XTM XGM XCAD ... all the same.
coz hk is such a small market ... look at thos overseas sites that sell pre-built full option mini-z for over 500 usd, and look at those 'full metal' cars that americans like to make.
and u don't need to high light ur words in red, i think only me and one ore two other memebers are reding them
and u can also find a HK Rc company that diverts away all HK IP addresses browsing their site... the only reason behind, HK is such a small market ! (i dunno if they're still doing it now)
btw, what can we do to 'help' a company that has nth to do with us improve (in the problem that u mentioned)
i've sent emails long time B4 regarding their bearing motors cases won't allow the rotor of other brands
i've sent emails to a big local brand with photos explaining fatal faults on their products (at the end they just let me exchanged for other stuff)
they're not large companies like kyosho or tamiya afterall
if u send email to kyosho japan making complaints on it's dealer in hk, they'd really refer it to the dealer in hk. i've even received a small gift later =p but again...
if one day the local brand are large enough to support a customer service team, then our dreams would come true
Even though HK is a small market, there are foreigners coming to buy products sold here.
Also, I guess ATx is exporting its products to other countries and the quality of both its products and its services affects the image of Hong Kong, especially when the words "Made in Hong Kong" are not small. If the company does well, any Hongkonger will also feel proud of it. Good examples are like GxP battery or Xpresxx (in the past).
just like many other brands, the HK brands don't care much about their reputation in HK.
that's what i observed. XTM XGM XCAD ... all the same.
coz hk is such a small market ... look at thos over ... and u don't need to high light ur words in red, i think only me and one ore two other memebers are reding them
Forgive me if I make some words red because evidence showed me that you were not careful enough when you made a comparison between light bulbs and the product mentioned.