I'm interested in the L.C.G mount but the problem is I'm using Kyosho oil center shock, and you see how that " L " shape damper pole secured on the original LM mount ? If I use the original " L " shape damper pole, there's no way to secure it on the option mount. If I use Kawada or ATM damping plate system, I don't know if I can fit in the oil shock or not........
2.4Ghz 015 & 02 chassis only.......yes, maybe get one more & make a 94mm RM or 98mm MM. The problem is I don't have that much time to play 3 cars.................
from what i see , i think u can still fit every thing back onto the option pod, just need a 4mm innder diameter ishim to support the lower spring
and u need to make sure the L-shape mount is pointing fowards.
i agree it's hard to paly 3 cars, even if u have the time, its hard to adapt to the different charateristics of each car ervery time u switch
i have an idling AWD, trying to make a drift car, but i have no idea what is the normal setting for drift, any idea?
I have played only very short time of drifting so can't suggest anything. From what I have tried, I find the car drifts pretty well with chicken motor & original gear diffs. The car is overpowered & hard to drift after I changed modify motor & ft one-way. Don't buy too much option first if you want drift, try option springs & drift tires first, maybe an Xspeed is good enough for the power. Anyway, listen to more drift experts here as my knowledge is limited to tracking.