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原帖由 barrypops 於 2008-6-18 23:17 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 I 'm always surfing the Grahoo website... http://www.tam.ne.jp/nic/grh/grh00.html And I had been begged the original maker many many times in order to sell one of this Grasshopper to me.... But ...
原帖由 lastenfield 於 2008-6-19 11:12 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 You mean the maker finally sell it to you? So lucky you are
原帖由 buggy 於 2008-6-19 11:02 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 oh....you r the man.....i thought the bumper was a small custom made one.... It looks gorgious......have you run it yet?
原帖由 barrypops 於 2008-6-19 11:58 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 The maker don 't wanna to sell out of Japan ..... he sold at Japan Yahoo... THen...
原帖由 lastenfield 於 2008-6-19 13:00 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 You know....I am so jealous! Haha...
spoonbb6 發表於 2017-4-26 23:50 This is my best friend's grasshopper.
hihizaza 發表於 2017-4-27 10:59 有無多兩張相可以參考一下
spoonbb6 發表於 2017-4-27 14:48 here you go
Chip1 發表於 2017-10-23 09:42 請問前後臂係邊架車㗎?我都想整返一架。
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