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GTB 電變求教

ringolau 發表於 2006-5-31 16:33:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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各位車友 :
Novak GTB 有以卞名稱不明及不知如何使用,請各位車友幫忙
1/ Minimun drive 2/. Drag brake  3/. Dead band  

多謝 , 多謝 !!!!
tllau 發表於 2006-5-31 17:26:30 | 只看該作者
原帖由 ringolau 於 2006-5-31 16:33 發表
各位車友 :
Novak GTB 有以卞名稱不明及不知如何使用,請各位車友幫忙
1/ Minimun drive 2/. Drag brake  3/. Dead band  

多謝 , 多謝 !!!!

Minimum Drive is the amount of drive applied with the first pulse of transmitter throttle information. This value is usually given in a percentage ranging anywhere between 1% and 12% of full throttle. The higher this value the less smooth the initial amount of throttle will be. For modified motors or lower traction conditions, a lower minimum drive value is best. For stock, 19 turn motors, or high traction conditions, a higher minimum drive value can be used. Most default settings are 3%.

Drag Brake turns the dead band area between throttle and brakes into a preset amount of brakes, which eliminates the time, or dead space, to travel from brakes to throttle.

Dead Band is the space between Minimum Brake and Minimum Drive, with Neutral located at the center of this space. This value is usually given as as a percentage, most Novak ESCs are set to a 5% default dead band value.

Are you want chinese tranlation.
 樓主| ringolau 發表於 2006-5-31 22:12:43 | 只看該作者

回復 #2 tllau 的帖子

Dear Lau :

Thanks. But still cannot fully under stand Drag brake and Dead band.
雷公 發表於 2006-5-31 23:24:52 | 只看該作者
原帖由 tllau 於 2006-5-31 17:26 發表

Are you want chinese tranlation.  

are you need a teacher?
tllau 發表於 2006-5-31 23:55:29 | 只看該作者
原帖由 ringolau 於 2006-5-31 22:12 發表
Dear Lau :

Thanks. But still cannot fully under stand Drag brake and Dead band.

好 ! 就試一下啦.
你有無留意當GTB沒有通電時好像連磁力都沒有的一般, 軟軟的任意轉動, 所以設計在通電時會做一段 IDLE 位(即 Dead Band), 同時存在著Brake 和 Drive 使車子維持在一股張力內, 不會輕易溜前或溜後.
Drag Brake turns the dead band area between throttle and brakes into a preset amount of brakes, which eliminates the time, or dead space, to travel from brakes to throttle.
Drag Brake 是指在 dead band 的範圍內保持著若干的 Brake, Level 1 是 20%, 我會將其set 到 5%, 等收油門時多點向前慣性, 開油門剎那可以爆D.
Dead Band is the space between Minimum Brake and Minimum Drive, with Neutral located at the center of this space. This value is usually given as as a percentage, most Novak ESCs are set to a 5% default dead band value.
Dead Band 是指一段"靜止"的油門空間, (你用微調試下就知), 如上所述其實 Dead Band 存在著 Minimum Brake and Minimum Drive 形成張力將車制住, 這段空間如果有使用後波就不攪為妙(不多講了), 其他的可以收細來增加油門的敏感度.
tllau 發表於 2006-6-1 00:09:57 | 只看該作者
原帖由 雷公 於 2006-5-31 23:24 發表

are you need a teacher?

Do you need a teacher?;P;P;P
我又唔係洋人, 錯有咩出奇, 你話人時自己都錯就真出奇
 樓主| ringolau 發表於 2006-6-1 09:21:36 | 只看該作者
Dear tllau :

Thanks so much, I under stand the term and setting.

You really a good teacher.

Thanks again for your help.

Hope can see you at the circuit.
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