摩打齒數大d...起步係咪慢d, 佢尾段快d? 相反, 摩打齒數細d, 起步係咪快d, 尾段就無乜?
yes for both
我見d C-hing成日要睇摩打T數, 再決定齒比...如果無跟係咪會燒ESC?
may be, ESC is not that easy to burn if the turn of the motor is within the ESC specification. I never burn an ESC except for once I use a low turn motor that the ESC cannot support.
通常成日更換齒輪係邊幾個齒? 摩打齒? 連接摩打齒嘅大齒?
both are being changed frequently to get the exact ratio. you can see in this way: pinion gear(摩打齒) is more like coarse tuning and spur gear(連接摩打齒嘅大齒) is more like fine tuning. |