Just switch to Lipo and bought myself a balance charger and a 3500mAh pack. Should I discharge it first before charging? What is charge by 1C mean? Is it mean I should set charging rate of 3.5A? Please help. Thanks!
another tip:
if you are not using the lipo for a long time (>1 month), you can use 'storage' mode to charge up your lipo. this way, you lipo will not swell up.
if your charger does not have storage mode, just charge it until each cell is about 3.8-3.9v, then stop.
My charger has the storage mode. But can you tell me what is the benefit of using this mode? Is it because keep the LiPo pack full charge without using it will cause damage? Thanks!
Yes, if you full charge then let lipo sit for too ling without using, it will cause swollen and damage the battery (aka 肥仔電). So there is storage mode to put the right amount of capacity into the lipo.