Yes if I drove 1 second earlier, the rod would had gone through the front glass, if 0.5 sec earlier, the rod would had gone through the top ( and my head ) !
It's more than the real window, real leather seat also cut and scratched ( need to replace the whole leather cover), real interior panel board scratched, real speaker damaged, real car body also scratcfhed/deformed, $$$$$ to repair, one dozen 417 !!
Although insurance company pay, I also need to pay pemium, worth 2 x 417 !
Not that much, that car was 278K when I bought it in 2008, the repair fee was around 50K.
Insurance company pay 42K, I need to cover 8K, French Connection........
Police said they are not able to identify the flat, it's a very high apartment building, even they took the plastic rod and knock every door, who will tell the truth.....