417 in Super RC(Japan, Osaka) is 49500Yen (about4950HKD) The name is: TRF417 シャーシキット (ギヤデフユニットII付) *TK-42200
BTW I took a lot of photos, The Super RC is Super Godly Big!!!!! 0[]0 Very Big, and free, and many options and cars, but some of the products are cheaper than HK but some are more expensive... so we have to compare the price before buy So are more expensive but some are very cheap xdd
xdd Don`t tell u now xdd I will write a report when i back HK But Super RC is really big for me But Waht do u suggest me to buy in super rc? Last time what do u bought? thx freeboy ;)
very expansive ar........
So in this time I cannot buy the TRF417.........
U can write Chinese gar lf2c hing -3- But what do u mean expensive? U mean 417 is expensive or it is expensive in Osaka??
And What mean "So in this time I cannot buy the TRF417"?? U also come Japan this time? ?