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Old but useful info on Ron Paris Racing - Dirt in your pipe can ruin your engine

beebone 發表於 2012-3-5 10:51:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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Here is the scenario, you crash or cartwheel the car it stuffs the exhaust stinger into the dirt. The engine stalls, there is always residue fuel and oil in the pipe. It mix's with the dirt, you carry the car and are not careful how you hold the car. The dirt/fuel/oil runs back into the exhaust port!!!!
In addition, the pipe has a reverse pulse action [part of what make a tuned pipe work] when running, dirt in pipe ends up in engine!!

One more scenario, [off and on road] you blow up your old trusty engine…… bummer you bolt in your spare or even brand new back up. DID you remember to wash the debris out of your pipe from the exploded engine before mounting and starting your new engine!

I have seen brand new engines ruined just spinning them over on the starter box the first time!

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