For about the same price, buy TA05, you got:
1. 4wd
2. 4 wheel independance suspension
3. touring shell
4. easy to drive
5. best of all...... you can race at YMC
Bought yours yet? 卡洛斯 商標 F103 ....... with SERVO SAVER安裝錯誤,冇裝最後蓋片就上螺絲,成個SERVO SAVER根本就係散O既. SERVO SAVER上面果粒波頭,就咁用粒膠扭住,仲要係扭唔實鬆泡泡果隻.....所以架車根本就唔會行得直. 超大CAMPER.....左邊五度,右邊六度 (better since I don't think F103 can set camper). 左右不平均TOE IN. 完全冇充好電就嚟玩. 電子零件唔知點解都好七勞八傷,唔係爛就係散....一係就係壞.....ON/OFF都係散. 個SENSOR就咁用膠紙痴係個殼到....... (no sensor since u can play YMC with F103)