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原帖由 SunLi 於 2006-4-28 16:55 發表 I've intalled the inner cone, the sound of exhaust was much quiet than before...But I couldn't feel any power improvement!
原帖由 popowong 於 2006-4-28 21:42 發表 不過會唔會塞住便秘咁無咁好力... 不過我明天試下先!
原帖由 popowong 於 2006-4-28 16:43 發表 我部沙豬 X 死氣喉用緊原裝設定, 佢原裝另跟一個係裝入喉裹面既零件但有咩用呢? 裝左之後馬力上定噪音上會有改善呢? THX
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手機版|小黑屋|RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房
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