RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

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hkcosmo116 發表於 2008-10-5 20:35:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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不如攪返個比賽啦!! 大家有咩意見?
CATCATCAT 發表於 2008-10-5 21:44:11 | 只看該作者
Good !!

kaho0338 發表於 2008-10-5 23:05:29 | 只看該作者
support for ROCK Crawler competition
edison 發表於 2008-10-5 23:31:40 | 只看該作者
Fully support!!!
edison 發表於 2008-10-5 23:32:02 | 只看該作者
How about 19/10 in Shek O ?
kaho0338 發表於 2008-10-6 01:05:16 | 只看該作者
good idea !
 樓主| hkcosmo116 發表於 2008-10-6 14:15:49 | 只看該作者
 樓主| hkcosmo116 發表於 2008-10-6 14:18:15 | 只看該作者
其實要分幾多組呢? hilux 同 cc-01 點算? 冇理由得ax-10 玩曬
havenlau 發表於 2008-10-6 16:47:30 | 只看該作者
super class 一組,
2.2 class 一組,
1.9 class 一組,
1:18-1:14 一組.
kaho0338 發表於 2008-10-6 21:54:16 | 只看該作者
原帖由 havenlau 於 2008-10-6 16:47 發表
super class 一組,
2.2 class 一組,
1.9 class 一組,
1:18-1:14 一組.

唔好, d 人通常玩2.2...
superclass 算把la... 你會黎玩先算.
havenlau 發表於 2008-10-6 23:10:54 | 只看該作者
 樓主| hkcosmo116 發表於 2008-10-7 04:35:36 | 只看該作者
26/10 d 人就冇問題.....
不過有幾多人玩先? 其實有好多人慢爬ga...不過唔知有幾多人會真係落場比賽!
攪比賽 edison 等一個冇得玩
silvavisil 發表於 2008-10-7 05:27:57 | 只看該作者

回復 10# 的帖子

super class is it AX-10? my car is 1:10 CR-01
havenlau 發表於 2008-10-7 09:15:30 | 只看該作者
原帖由 silvavisil 於 2008-10-7 05:27 發表
super class is it AX-10? my car is 1:10 CR-01

super class is 1:8, like clod.
ax10 is 2.2 or 1.9.
kenobe 發表於 2008-10-7 21:02:14 | 只看該作者
nice, support...!
edison 發表於 2008-10-8 00:05:49 | 只看該作者
Only 2.2 for first round!
kaho0338 發表於 2008-10-8 00:21:48 | 只看該作者
今e+ 即係19號? 定26號? 石澳定邊度?
灰色軌跡 發表於 2008-10-8 00:32:21 | 只看該作者
有時間0黎觀摩下都好喎... 幾時呀?
 樓主| hkcosmo116 發表於 2008-10-8 13:21:11 | 只看該作者
edison 發表於 2008-10-8 16:01:57 | 只看該作者
Here is the Rock crawling rules from USRCCA 2007

1. 2.2 class, NO REAR STEER.
2. ‧ Vehicle wheelbase is a maximum of 12.5 inches, measured from centerline of front axle stub to centerline of rear axle stub, with all the wheels pointing straight ahead.
3. ‧ Vehicle track width is a maximum of 12.5 inches, measured at the bottom of the outer most edge of the front and rear tires while the vehicle is sitting on level ground.
4. ‧ Limited to 4-wheeled vehicles only.
5. * You may run a unlimited amount of channels on your radio.
6. * You must run a body, 10th scale or larger, 70% of the original body, to be determined by judges, 3" minimum height on sides, no less than 12.5" total length and full width in the center.
Tube chassis's are fine, as long as they resemble a 1:1 rig, they must retain a roof, hood and side panels.
7. * Dig is allowed
8. Wheels limited to 2.2 inch diameter or smaller at the tire bead surface.
Wheels may be modified, provided that the tire bead surface does not exceed 2.2 inches in diameter.
Tires may be modified using a pliable rubber material, from any size tire, but must not exceed a total uncompressed outer diameter of 6 inches.


*****Super Class Rules, Done and voted in! Operations are next.*****

Class 1 - Super Crawler Class:
‧ No limits on wheelbase, vehicle track width or height.
‧ No limits on tire type or size.
‧ Limited to 4-wheeled vehicles only.
‧ No limits to steering configuration.
‧ You must run a body, 10th scale or larger, 70% of the original body, to be determined by judges, 3" minimum height on sides, no more than 3" taken off of total length, no less than 12.5" total length and full width in the center.
Tube chassis's are fine, as long as they resemble a 1:1 rig, they must retain a roof, hood and side panels.
‧ Body should resemble its original form (jeep bodies look like a jeeps)


-2.2 class tube chassis are allowed with the following restrictions. Chassis must be at least 8"long, 3"wide, and 3.75"tall, the roof must be raised from the main chassis to resemble a cockpit, and it must have solid hood, roof and sidepanels.

-Supercrawler class tube chassis are allowed with the following restrictions. Chassis must be at least 12"long, 3"wide, and 3.75"tall, the roof must be raised from the main chassis to resemble a cockpit, and it must have solid hood, roof and sidepanels.

General Operations Rules: changes made.***********

1- There is A TIME LIMIT on each course to be determined by the course builder, if you do not finish the course in the alloted time you recieve 40 points.

2- < DNS > you will recieve 50 points if you do not start the course and do not break the plane of the start gate.

3- All markers are live until the marker has been either straddled or contact made by either the driver or the vehicle. once a penalty has been assessed for that marker it is DEAD for the remainder of the course run, and no further penalites will be given for that marker.
A gate has 2 markers so 20 points can be given for each gate.

4- Reversing on the course is defined as, the tires moving the vehicle backwards or spinning in the reverse direction, whether intentional or not.

5- Repair : (5pts) points are added to touch penalties if the use of tools is required. Repairs taking less than 1 minute may be completed on course. Repairs taking longer will incure a additional (5 pts) and need to be completed in the pit area. If the repairs cannot be completed in 30 mins the driver will recieve a DNF. If the repair is made in the alotted time the driver may return to the course and be placed by the judge back to the point at which he broke. 1 minute will be reduced from the time that is left on the course and the timer will continue once the vehicle makes forward progress.

6- Reposition (10 pts ) points are given when a driver must reposition their vehicle in order to continue. repositions are placed back on the course without making forward progression, drivers may reposition the vehicle with judges approval.

7. ‧ The maximum points per gate is 20. Once a driver has reached the maximum of 20-penalty points, they
will be placed past that gate. No progress points are given for the gates not cleared.
I would like to see this listed as optional

I think we all agree this should be optional.

8. ‧ Winching or ramping of any kind is not allowed. Using any device (other than the tires) and using ramps or other objects, to make progress in any direction is prohibited.

9. ‧ The vehicle must finish a course in the same wheelbase, track width, ride height, and tires it
started that course with.Wheelbase changes to the vehicle by the driver, another person, or any device, while on the course are prohibited.

10. ‧ (3-10) Gates per section stage
a course is made up of several stages, a stage is made up of several gates. The correct term is stage.

11. Gate Marker: (10 pts) points are given when 4 wheels do not travel between gate markers or any part of the
vehicle or driver touches a gate marker. This applies to gates that have been cleared as well as gates not yet cleared. Once any gate marker has been touched, no more penalties will be given
for that gate marker. (See page 4 for Gate Marker and Gate Clearing explanations.)
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