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redbullbull 發表於 2009-8-21 13:01:32 | 只看該作者
redbullbull 發表於 2009-8-21 13:07:03 | 只看該作者
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Setting Up The UFO Clutch  2006/01/24 Browser : 16600

Setting up the UFO clutch is a complicated and simple task (yea I know) and this article will give you the how, what and why to insure that your car can extract maximum performance from your new K Factory part.  At this point you must be told that the UFO clutch shares only few parts with prior clutches so it is recommended you do not share parts between them with the exception of these.

1. Spring Tension Adjust Nut

2. Flywheel Nut

3. Thrust Bearing

4. Thrust Bearing Retainer and Screw

5. Clutch Spring

6. Shims

1.      Use the supplied collet that comes in the kit.  It is a special length so if your engine came with a collet it is advised you replace it with the supplied one in the kit.

2.      Install the large washer onto the crankshaft and install the collet.

3.      Insure that you pull out on the crankshaft and insure the collet is pushed all the way down to the bearing.

4.      Install the flywheel (note: the flywheel is unique and other G4 flywheels cannot be used) you will notice it is a little larger and deeper than the original one.

5.      Install the flywheel nut. I highly recommend you use a flywheel retaining tool to hold the flywheel when you tighten the nut but you must be careful not to apply so much torque that you distort the flywheel pins.  If you do you will know it when you install the UFO plate.  As it wont slide down the pins and if this occurs the flywheel is damaged beyond repair.  If you are worried you can use a rag wrapped around the flywheel and hold it with a large pair of pliers while tightening the nut.  The rag will protect the flywheel.  Never ever use a piston locking tool or something wedged in the exhaust port to lock the motor

Now comes the big question.  When I install the flyweights into the flywheel do I use 1 weight 2 weights or no weights?????????

Recommendations based on spring and track bite 1 being lowest and 4 being highest:

Track Bite level 1 is low and 4 is very high.

1. Early engagement, bite level 1 track foam or rubber tires = no additional weights in flyweights with red spring in kit.  Hint: rear tires =37 shore.

2. Mid engagement, bite level 2 and foam tires = 1 additional weights in each flyweight with orange option spring.  Hint: rear tires =40 shore.
Option 2 will be used 80% of the time on foam tires on a Sugar Water sprayed track.

3. Mid to High engagement, bite level 3 and foam tires = 0 additional weights in each flyweight with orange option spring.  Hint: rear tires =40/42 shore.
Option 3 will be used 80% of the time on foam tires on a VHT sprayed track

4. High engagement, bite level 4 and foam tires = 0 additional weights in each flyweight with yellow option spring.  Hint: rear tires =42/45 shore

Therefore it is recommended you set up with Option 2 if you have the Orange spring. If not use option 1 and order the Orange spring.

6.      Install the flyweights as recommended in the above table and install the UFO clutch plate.  At this point the plate should slide free.

7.      Install the clutch shoe silver spring retainer, spring and nut.  Install the nut with the step facing away from the spring.  Tighten the nut down until you have 2 threads showing at the end of the flywheel nut.  This is where you will start for spring adjustment.   

8.      Install the two bearings into the clutch bell and install it onto the engine.

9.      While holding the engine with the crankshaft facing up you will notice that the clutchbell drags on the clutch shoe when you turn it.  You need to install enough spacers under the inner clutch bell bearing to raise the clutch bell so it sits .020” to .025” thousandths off the shoe.  When it is right, the bell will spin freely and not drag on the shoe.  Usually this requires 2 to 3 of the mid size shims.

10.  Apply grease to the front thrust bearing and install it with no shims between the thrust bearing and the thrust bearing collar.  Snug it up lightly.  If the clutch bell won’t spin freely go to step 11 if it does go to step 12.

11.   If the clutch bell won’t turn freely at this point remove the thrust bearing and the thrust bearing collar and install one of the smallest shims over the thrust bearing retaining collar screw (between the collar and the end of the crank).  Install it again.  Repeat this process until the clutch bell spins free.  When it does add one more shim.

12.  If the clutch bell turns freely at this point remove the thrust bearing and the thrust bearing collar.  Remove the thrust bearing from the collar and install one of the medium shims over the thrust bearing retaining collar, then replace the thrust bearing onto the collar and install it again.  Repeat this process until the clutch bell does not spin free.  When it does remove 2 of the medium shims and reinstall it.

13.  It should now spin free with very little end play.

14.  Install your appropriate pinion gears and you are ready to tune the engagement spring.

15.  Adjust the clutch spring so that the car accelerates off the corner as hard as possible without spinning the tires and making the rear end come around.  Tightening the spring will make it accelerate harder and vice versa.  Adjust it ¼ turn at a time.  If you find you need to tighten it or loosen it more than 1 turn in either direction step down or up to one of the other recommended clutch setups.

It’s complicated but not as bad as it sounds.   I am sure that after you have used it you will find as I did that it is without a doubt the finest Centax clutch ever made.  Give it a try we think you will like it
Lotus 發表於 2009-8-21 13:17:22 | 只看該作者

swswsw 發表於 2009-8-21 14:00:11 | 只看該作者
or the engine needles too rich...
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