星星廠係咁衰假啦!我哋 D 血就係咁比佢吸乾晒,但係佢出 D 嘢又係幾靚嘅!造工精細,砌咗唔玩用來做情景都好靚!低比佢扼(由細扼到大,再由大扼到老!)成世為TAMIYA打工!哎.............
講笑啫,見到 Ching架312T3,又心痕痕想買番部!哎....救命呀!病入膏肓 la.....
yes, me too.. my original plan was just to buy the tyrrell.. however, how can u resist not taking the ferrari as well when u see it sitting there on the shelf? that's why i bot them both in one go
IMO i think it is more for cosmetic purpose. the plastic suspension arm is just too rigid to let the links above to alter the camber. so may be u can set it to +/- 0.5 or 1 degree camber at most.