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E-Flite Blade mSR

rudy6183 發表於 2010-5-7 16:18:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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請問有冇師兄玩緊呢隻機, 好似幾靈活但買多個Di6控要
成仟幾二仟蚊, 好似好唔底玩.
sunnyip 發表於 2010-5-7 17:13:24 | 只看該作者
sunnyip 發表於 2010-5-8 15:32:20 | 只看該作者
manman007700 發表於 2010-5-10 20:26:18 | 只看該作者
DWKN 發表於 2010-5-11 16:17:07 | 只看該作者
I bought one from the web which cost me USD 130 before postage and without the transmitter. What you need is a DSM2 transmitter just like the JR DX9. I flied this for over a month and the flying quality is much much better than the Solo Pro II which I believe is a clone of the MsR. It flies more quitely and stable than the Solo Pro and the parts are extremely durable. Strongly recommend for indoor/living room flying.
GTRTam 發表於 2010-7-13 23:26:53 | 只看該作者
呢部外國牌子 E-Flite 其實既係日本 JR. 響日本及外國獲高度評價 - 唯一一部唔只係得, 直頭係好掂既行尾摩打 fixed pitch 既 micro heli. 個尾醒到可以比美行帶或軸+nice gyro 既 single rotor heli. Under extreme thorttle 個尾都鎖定, 玩完尾摩打唔熱, 測試超過百次尾摩打 100% work & cool. 重要撞極都好少爛.

玩過尾摩既都可能會話 no way, 但評論話呢部絕對例外, 好似重有部大D既 Blade SR 120, 唔知出左未 :



各位 bros 知唔知香港有冇得賣呢架 Blade MSR ? 應該係千幾兩千連控. 我知有D clone 野賣幾百蚊, 但我信 JR 既技術多D. 以前玩過 EP100 放棄左而家想買番架響屋企or公園過下手"引"
lummbee 發表於 2010-7-13 23:51:36 | 只看該作者
呢部機係幾好飛,樣樣都比Solo pro優勝,加埋Dx6i控,性能重好過CB100,不過價錢太貴!以機價加控價,可以買4g6s重有找!
GTRTam 發表於 2010-7-14 01:21:29 | 只看該作者
無乜挑戰性啱哂我呀冇, bro 以前架 EP100 太過挑戰性玩左一年度, 只做到基本四邊四面hold機, 順時針打好樣衰既八字, 片下左右自轉幾圈係咁多, 最後賣左再無玩heli. 玩果時好大壓力下因為輕輕跌下就一定有野爛或要整, 個尾插地先好多時斷皮帶, 換帶又好大工程, 有時個尾又比D草食住, 可能又細但都算重啦...不過就學識左好多野例如點 set swashplate, gyro, throttle curve 等等, 上網搵資料自學, 呢D就幾好玩.

Bro lumbee, 究竟香港邊間有得賣 ? 我係新手但冇多餘錢 同呢架 Blade MSR 差不多gum輕gum細又唔易爛又定 ( 無難度 ) 既單槳,  重有乜 choice ? Thank you !
DWKN 發表於 2010-7-14 15:47:43 | 只看該作者
The Blade SR 120 is coming up and I will probably buy one despite the expensive shipping charge because of the excellent flying quality and durability of Blade MsR which I am still flying well after a hundred flights without replacement of any broken parts and even the tail motor. One reason why the motors are so durable may be because they are running on 3.7V Lipo unlike the bigger helis that draw at least 7.2V or more. The Blade SR 120 I understand is a total scaled up version of the MsR.
GTRTam 發表於 2010-7-14 16:45:12 | 只看該作者
Thank you Bro DWKN. Your comment is same as the link I posted so it's really a excellent micro heli. The Solo Pro is also very hot items in KWS almost all shops are selling. What do you think about it in terms of durability, freight performance & controls for such a good price ?
Japan is selling MSR at around 15000 yen for the MSR & I'll pay 20000 yen plus few spares shipped here. So did you find out if any shop in HK is selling this heli ?
Yes, the Blade SR 120 is a scale up version but I prefer MSR becoz' of the smaller size better playing in home. If you plan to buy SR120, did you do any research if comparing with Hirobo SRB ? I think they're almost same size ? The SG ver can invert !
lummbee 發表於 2010-7-14 20:11:53 | 只看該作者
回復 11# GTRTam
GTRTam 發表於 2010-7-14 23:02:48 | 只看該作者
唉係la, 而家買嘢真上綱好過自己響香港走來走去搵, 又熱成身汗咁, 買三樣野要去足六間鋪頭搵, 分別響三間買, 得閒都厭煩...
Walkara 4G6S 我上網睇過少少資料, 3-Axis Gyro 啱我無難度 科技果然一日千哩, 我玩 EP100 果時兩兩三年前都未知有 3-Axis Gyro, 果時如果有大大個都裝, hahaha !! 應該過多三個禮拜會有埋 flybarless system 響呢架 4G6S RTF kit...喂 Bro lummbee, 行軸加傘齒輪 wor...會唔會好似 1/10 touring 軸車咁一抄就掃齒, 一係就日日夜夜響度"聶"介子"聶"靚個位 ?!...但大隻左D wor, 290mm....MSR 190mm wor...10cm wor...brother......
其實無 flybar 點飛呢 ? 咁多間大廠都出 flybarless system, 原理係點 ? 成套電子野點接駁 ?
lummbee 發表於 2010-7-15 00:04:26 | 只看該作者
回復 15# GTRTam
無flybar o個架4G6係V120D02,我都想買,據聞架4#6板o既V120D01幾定,呢架V120D02真係好吸引.個傘齒易掃係4G6o既死症,不過總好過整尾摩打!其實除o左傘齒4G6都重有好多其他缺點,如果你未玩熟4#6直接玩4G6S我諗你要交好多學費.Size大D反而唔係大問題,只要用原裝發泡膠槳唔好用木槳,o係屋企玩係無乜殺傷力!
DWKN 發表於 2010-7-15 15:27:51 | 只看該作者
Thank you Bro DWKN. Your comment is same as the link I posted so it's really a excellent micro heli. ...
GTRTam 發表於 2010-7-14 16:45

Hi GTR Tam, actually I've got both SRB and SG in my collection. Honestly speaking, the SRB is no good for outdoor flying because you easily loose control/latitude in a light gust of wind. For SG, the head speed is pretty high using collective pitch and more stable when flying outdoor. But I'm not yet using it for aggressive flying because of the price I bought it and the cost of spare parts if I crash.
GTRTam 發表於 2010-7-16 23:21:02 | 只看該作者
吓, 乜真係有 flybarless 既 4G6 ? 好呀, 爛少D野嘛, thanks Bro lummbee. 但我諗都係 MSR or Solo Pro 啱我多D, 真係貪細唔易爛少整為妙. 始終壓力細D, 跌完唔駛點整會令我大瞻D做多D動作

Hey DWKN, I know Hirobo parts are not cheap but I'm so surprised that SG gave up the shaft drive from SRB & put a motor tail instead. I was reading their website saying it'll more quiet than SRB but I think the increased head speed for CP doesn't make any different...
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