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Hakarunjer 個人計速器 Transponder only 藍 紅 粉紅 (日本 Alex Racing) 現貨

jethobby 發表於 2011-11-12 19:44:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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Alex Racing Design Hararunjer Transponder Only
車仔同學會 發表於 2011-11-12 20:05:37 | 只看該作者
車仔同學會 發表於 2011-11-12 20:31:20 | 只看該作者
Pls pm the price
albertau2011 發表於 2011-11-13 10:45:27 | 只看該作者
how to use?
tekin708 發表於 2011-11-13 16:12:34 | 只看該作者
How much?
 樓主| jethobby 發表於 2011-11-14 13:17:27 | 只看該作者
回復 albertau2011 的帖子

Here is the product detail information:

It records the data of circumference velocity at the average time andthe total time. A record of BEST-time, average, total time, number of laps ofdata.
a) Counting Time
This system is able lap times in 0.01sec units. However, an error of less than+/-0.02sec may occur in some cases described below:
 Vehicle approach angle differences on the track.
The Hakarunjer lap-counting unit (receiver) uses Infrared (IR) light tocommunicate with the vehicle(s) transmitting unit. If a vehicle passes thecounting unit on a trajectory other than moderately paarallel (perpendicularlyor at a slant along the track passing the receiver) an error may occur.
 Environmental influences.
If the system detects an infrared ray in the ambient sunlight; or. whenmultiple vechicles using the system pass the counting unit (receiver) at thesame time, the system may try to read a vehicle's ID number again (or thesystem may fail to detect a vehicle's IR signal). Also, IR reflections maycause detection errors.
b) The Number Of Rounds
The system memory can hold lap times of up to 60 rounds after the system ispowered down.
c) Measuring Time
The system can measure lap times of up to 11 minutes (655.35 seconds).
d) The Lap Time Indications:
The counting unit has a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). The LCD will display suchlap time information as listed below:
 The best lap -- after a run and return to the pit.
 Every lap time per round while turning laps.
 The passage of the after a start.
e)The confirming sound
The counting unit (receiver) has a built-in buzzer. During operation and when avehicle passes the receiver, the buzzer will sound off with a pi-pi. If acurrent laptime is faster than your target time, the buzzer will sound off witha pilo-pilo-pilo. You can roughly determine lap time progress audibly duringoperation with these function.
f)Minimum Lap Time Intervals
The system can be set up for minimum lap time of 5 seconds to 30 seconds tominimize a faail to detect error or a possible double detection. For instance,accidental vehicle spins near the receiving unit.
g)Start methods include two different modes:
 Stagger: When a vehicle passes the receiver on a running start, thecounter will start timing automatically.
 Count Down Signal Start: The unit will sound the buzzer for everysecond, sound off with a louder pi-pi-0pi-piii during the last seconds, thenstart the counter, for a standing start as in the usual finals.
h)The Receiver Distance
 In-door track locations: approximately 10 meters (32 feet).
  Out-door track locations: approximately 5meters (16 feet) under direct sunlight.
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