唔用電容 盡雞時有機會唔夠電比接收=有機會失控作者: kahungboy 時間: 2012-4-26 08:09
照計卓卓有餘, cut左電容都ok作者: fbs 時間: 2012-4-26 09:12
The capacitor is use to stabilise the input voltage when start up. The surge current is a few times of the normal operate current. When full throttle, the use of capacitor is not so important. It is better to keep the capacitor as the start up current cannot be eliminate.作者: garywong5368 時間: 2012-4-26 13:22
其實電容是不是越多越好,e家用緊兩粒,咩情況要換4粒?作者: hardmankam 時間: 2012-4-26 13:32 回復 garywong5368 的帖子
咁四粒500uF 電容應該係幾多 volt值呢?12 V?作者: hardmankam 時間: 2012-5-13 14:23
我用10v作者: tiger1 時間: 2012-5-13 23:49
is 10V standard? I heard of people using 12V. Any suggestion? 作者: defcone 時間: 2012-5-14 14:42 本帖最後由 defcone 於 2012-5-14 14:43 編輯
Caps will only charge to the same volt as power supply, in this case =the voltage of your battery.作者: hardmankam 時間: 2012-5-14 16:53 本帖最後由 hardmankam 於 2012-5-14 16:53 編輯
basically you have to use a cap equal or higher than your supply voltage, then it is ok. If cap is less than supply voltage, it will blow.作者: simple123 時間: 2012-6-30 14:50
有師兄教用3300uF16v最好有105度 但好難買 用四粒都好試下先(大廠都禁做)
係咪最少有2200uF作者: simple123 時間: 2012-6-30 14:53
係呀其實裝響電變加接收有無題 電變就用跟作者: simple123 時間: 2012-7-13 19:34
試過無加大Cap Full雞時servo無左反應,試下加左會唔會有改善