你知唔知呀, 我唔係唔想買百多元既 body, 因爲每次同我 uncle 放車時, 往往都會比佢部 humvee 撞到呀媽都唔認得. 試過和尚頭唔見o左兼滑埋丫... 經歷可以話係非常之慘痛架. 有次去機場玩左兩分鐘, 就要收車. anyway, hope someone can tell we where can I buy those $70 body la.
I think what you need to buy .............is a "humvee" like your uncle ....... so that you don't have to worry about the shell.....if you crash with him.......you break......he breaks too.....
I think what you need to buy .............is a "humvee" like your uncle ....... so that you don't have to worry about the shell.....if you crash with him.......you break......he breaks too.....
I did have one humvee, but unluckily the "spur gear" was flat, and I couldn't find it in Waigo, and shops in KWS.