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呢個星期日無活動呀 ?

courel500 發表於 2007-7-18 11:36:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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TKO Sunday Drive 無人搞既 ? 版主你去左邊呀 ?
bigben 發表於 2007-7-18 12:16:08 | 只看該作者
I am eager to know the answer too....
dl7 發表於 2007-7-18 12:17:51 | 只看該作者
mikewu 發表於 2007-7-18 18:37:28 | 只看該作者
I was in CHINA!!  Just got back to my desk!!!
Sunday I was thinking about going to TRC.......  but what do you guys think?  TKO or TRC?  Please vote...
gibson 發表於 2007-7-18 18:39:48 | 只看該作者
If in the morning play in TKO is very hot, just like last Sunday, I don't want to play because was too hot!!
What about change the time, if start at 3 or 4pm will be perfect!!
bigben 發表於 2007-7-18 20:20:33 | 只看該作者
li5115 發表於 2007-7-18 22:38:20 | 只看該作者
邊道都無所為,幾點都無問題,最重要是各位 brothers 參加。
owl 發表於 2007-7-18 23:09:53 | 只看該作者
ryancmlam 發表於 2007-7-19 08:38:23 | 只看該作者
1. I like to play at TKO coz TRC is too far (for me).
2. Starting the party at 4:00pm (or even 5:00pm) is a good suggestion.
3. Bro Gilson mentioned that Sunday's afternoon and evening are likely for family acitivites. Will brothers consider holding the party in Saturday afternoon ?
 樓主| courel500 發表於 2007-7-19 08:54:28 | 只看該作者
如果星期日下午我多數唔得啦 !
dl7 發表於 2007-7-19 09:32:38 | 只看該作者
I want to try TRC as i never go....
Where is it?
mikewu 發表於 2007-7-19 09:36:15 | 只看該作者
原帖由 dl7 於 2007-7-19 09:32 發表
I want to try TRC as i never go....
Where is it?

It's in Yuen Long....
mikewu 發表於 2007-7-19 09:38:13 | 只看該作者
I have planned to go TRC every 3rd weekend of the month so this weekend will be TRC... BUT that doesn't mean you guys can't go to TKO this Sunday.  I'll "blow chicken" for both places for this weekend....
As for timing, Sunday afternoon is not too good for me as my queen might have something to say....  let's see how the response is and make certain decisions....
bigben 發表於 2007-7-19 09:41:51 | 只看該作者
anyway, I must go to TKO this week as my tiger is occupied by her friend..... it mean I can be free on Sunday (afternoon only....)

other than DF03, I also want to put my GP buggy on ground to test !!!
ryancmlam 發表於 2007-7-19 10:09:55 | 只看該作者
What about 2 parties

1. Saturday afternoon at TKO; and
2. Sunday morning at TRC ?
mikewu 發表於 2007-7-19 10:21:29 | 只看該作者
原帖由 ryancmlam 於 2007-7-19 10:09 發表
What about 2 parties

1. Saturday afternoon at TKO; and
2. Sunday morning at TRC ?

DONE!  But not Saturday afternoon bor.. I think many brothers herer either has to work or prepare for their Sunday parties.. Besides, give some "sweet head" for the queen first before "having fun" on Sundays ma...
bigben 發表於 2007-7-19 10:30:27 | 只看該作者
agree..... I need to work on Sat for full day....
 樓主| courel500 發表於 2007-7-19 10:52:55 | 只看該作者
原帖由 ryancmlam 於 2007-7-19 10:09 發表
What about 2 parties

1. Saturday afternoon at TKO; and
2. Sunday morning at TRC ?

哈哈 ! 版主佢好唔得閒 , 佢既行程係 :-
(1) 星期五 TWH - M 車 ;
(2) 星期六 TKO - Off-road ;
(3) 星期日 TRC - Off-road .
(4) 星期一 開始比另一半軟禁
真係多姿多彩 !
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