RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

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gegegum 發表於 2006-4-11 21:19:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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想問o下02同awd o既pcb,邊塊加fet效果會好d, 因我兩塊都有,唔知改邊塊比awd用會好d?
lolman 發表於 2006-4-12 00:51:19 | 只看該作者
I think if u use AM pcb on 02 or AWD for fet upgrade the difference is the on board fet  02 is 3003 and AWD is 3010

and the 3010 is around same as 4562....so if u use AWD for fet upgrade I prefer u stack 2 level 4562 is ok for fast motor.

and for 02 pcb.... u need to remove all all board cheap fet and stack 3 level 4562 for fast motor. and 02 pcb u need exchange the red and black wire for servo motor or else servo will not work for AWD....
 樓主| gegegum 發表於 2006-4-12 02:11:52 | 只看該作者
thanks! 但係我想知加fet後, 邊塊效果會好d? 係唔係02果塊冇咁jam!?
 樓主| gegegum 發表於 2006-4-12 02:31:48 | 只看該作者
原帖由 lolman 於 2006-4-12 00:51 發表
I think if u use AM pcb on 02 or AWD for fet upgrade the difference is the on board fet  02 is 3003 and AWD is 3010

and the 3010 is around same as 4562....so if u use AWD for fet upgrade I prefe ...

其實我唔係一定要加fet,只不過我有一塊02pcb燒o左fet,而我又有幾粒4562o係度,想切多一架awd, 所以先有咁o既問題, 如果加落awd度咁我就會將awd o既3010加落02pcb度!
講簡單d,02同awd o既pcb邊塊好d o者! 我唔一定會用好勁o既摩打!
lolman 發表於 2006-4-13 14:44:51 | 只看該作者
for my view.... actually is the same
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手機版|小黑屋|RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房

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