That's exactly the reason why you don't want a 5.5R in a 2WD let alone a DT-02. No hard feelings, you just have to remember DT-02 was never design to be an all out race buggy but more an entry level fun buggy...
If you don't mind rebuilding your diff all the time, or changing your diff cup quite frequently, then it shouldn't be a problem. However, if out right speed is what you want, you really shouldn't choose a 2WD.
Even for racing condition with a really long stright, I normally stick with my 7.5R, I did try to use a 6.5 once, it just make the cars much harder to handles, it just under steer all the way, and the diff had to tighten a bit more to handle the motor itself, and I am driving a XXX-CR.
Again, it's all up to personel preference on what you want, it's a hobby and as long as you are having fun, so be it. However, before suggesting somthing to others, it will be nice to let them know the positive points and negative points, rather then just spending money as a "school fees".
All the best!
原帖由 倒錢落海 於 2008-4-30 12:15 發表
渣唔渣到係另一回事. 我相信佢部車應該頂得到 5.5r. 2wd 傳動結構比較簡單, 動力損耗比較少, 車身又比較輕, 負荷相對地比較低. 既然的 4wd 車例如 db01 或 df03 之類都可以用 5.5r, 冇理由 2wd 用唔到^^" |