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New: BLITZ RS4 200mm G/P Touring shell (特価発售)

rcworldhk 發表於 2010-6-6 12:22:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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RC World(灣仔)

地址: 灣仔道165-171號樂基中心1309室 (英皇中心後面,舊點心王樓上)
星期一至五: 11:30am - 8:00pm
星期六: 11:30am -6:00pm
星期日: 可以打過來約  
電話: 8200-0268
93461612 發表於 2010-6-6 12:29:19 | 只看該作者
is this shell fit for M size?
 樓主| rcworldhk 發表於 2010-6-6 13:19:36 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 rcworldhk 於 2010-6-6 19:48 編輯

     #60112 BLITZ RS4 (200mm) EFRA2036
We had made most succeed full 1/10 Mini Racing bodsyehll for 1/10 Mini EP car in 2009 with Mini RS4

Now we build it into 1/10 200mm Touring Car with RS4

RS4 body shell designed very well balance characteristic.
Easy drive and well stability with good steering is our target of our RS4
RS4 give very well handling with most model 1/10 200mm chassis in "basic" setup.

You can also expect RS4 give you all new experience  in same car with consist and
better lap time.

Big size adjustable wing had 2 cut line, original wing give more down force which
give car more stability but it also make car little under steering.
we recommend small wing for professional drivers.

Adjustable rear wing give you easy to adjust rear down force with one coin
in few second , when track grip was changed you can easy to find your
best setup by change rear down force with our new design rear wing.

EFRA Homologated with EFRA 2036 , race approved for all EFRA and IFMAR race
  • Clear body-shell with Decal and Window mask and plastic wing screw 60302-1 included.
  • Made from high quality 0.8mm and 0.7mm (light) polycarbonate with protect film for painting.
  • Fits most 1/10 On-Road Touring car Chassis with pre mark body tower hole.
  • Fast Adjustable rear wing.
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