My friend bought a RC18B FT, found a one of shocks parts missing in seal bag, Then back to 環X ask for replacement, The staff said: no replacement and need my friend to buy parts for.......Then my friend said: OK I buy it.......環X staff said: No stock!
My friend bought a RC18B FT, found a one of shocks parts missing in seal bag, Then back to 環X ask for replacement, The staff said: no replacement and need my friend to buy parts for.......Then ...
maybe that "環X staff" just want your friend to buy one more RC18B FT car kit ........get the missing parts........all the others as spare .......
after all..........this so-called "hk sole agent" is hopeless.........
小弟有架B44新買,但尾果條CVA axle rear(下圖)wo大左,回廠等o左一年幾,無錯係等o左一年幾 ...................(環球=無)
Thank you very much
求人不如求己 it possible to send an email directly to The Team Associated Company (thru' their official website) ??........... .........I think this is a more workable method............instead of getting any false hope from the "hk sole agent"...........
My friend bought a RC18B FT, found a one of shocks parts missing in seal bag, Then back to 環X ask for replacement, The staff said: no replacement and need my friend to buy parts for.......Then ...
以前想揾 parts.........譬如想買 RC10 隻前 A 臂.......直接同佢講邊件嘢.........冇 part number 唔緊要.......亞家龍/柱哥三扒兩撥就揾到出嚟.......換著而家.......有 part number 都未必即時揾到俾你.........留低電話号碼慢慢等吓啦........