查實呢部衰鬼已經買咗好耐..........不過双星嘅 option parts 又出得好慢...........所以一直都冇セ動力去砌呢部車.......
最近終於等到双星嗰個 option 中座........車殼 ...
Very nice car indeed bro minimini did you paint the shell yourself?? one thing i think the 3 racing shock tower are quite weak i already snaped about 2 of them (probably because of my bad driving ) i personally prefer the orginal one as they can flex but i recently bought a set of atomic carbon shock tower which made out of 5mm carbon plate so i would imagine they are bullet proof migt as well give it a try LOL
Very nice car indeed bro minimini did you paint the shell yourself?? one thing i think the 3 racing shock tower are quite weak i already snaped about 2 of them (probably because of my bad driving ...
C hing
Would you mind to tell me where you buy your Atomic Schock Tower?
C hing
Would you mind to tell me where you buy your Atomic Schock Tower?
Hi mate i got the tower form oople and bought as a small group form atomic carbon, it is actually a prototype so im not sure if they will release it officially i can help you see if they have any stock left if you want 1
Very nice car indeed bro minimini did you paint the shell yourself?? one thing i think the 3 racing shock tower are quite weak i already snaped about 2 of them (probably because of my bad driving ...
agree with you bro Eddie..........I think the 3 Racing shock towers are not stiff enough........
that's why I double up the rear shock tower (as you can see in the photos).........still thinking of doubling of the front one...........
Hi bro Kim......those white ball-links are Team Losi's product ...........available in Cat shop.........
我都唔記得確實改咗幾多 $$ lu.......
DB01 個傳動係封密式 (相比 ...
Good point about 個傳動係封密式, as for me, I am poor and cannot afford to buy a buggy over 3K Upgrade the buggy piece by piece actually help me to understand the car better My tiger will kill me if she find out I spent over 3K for a toy!
Hi mate i got the tower form oople and bought as a small group form atomic carbon, it is actually a prototype so im not sure if they will release it officially i can help you see if they have any ...
C hing
Thank you for your kindly response.
I read the post from oople before, I knew the shock tower are custom make in small qty. and sold (group ordered) local. After I saw your post, I wonder how you get this stuff. Finally I read the post once again and saw your name on the list.
I knew the answer now.
C hing
Thank you for your kindly response.
I read the post from oople before, I knew the shock tower are custom make in small qty. and sold (group ordered) local. After I saw your post, I wonder ...
其實原裝膠底都好得,我玩咗部車都快一年了,TKO場地對車架鋼性要求較高都頂到. .
BY THE WAY ,你部車真係改得好正,