quote]If A210 also using FRP, so what is the point. This Atomic only selling at 1.5xxk, what you expect!
I bought this one because I like it.
I also owned a A210 before but I can tell, the quanlity of ...
gibson 發表於 2009-6-30 16:30 [/quote]
千五蚊, 當裸尼趁下熱鬧/試下新野都抵啦, 照玩開4wd M車d師兄講似乎設計上真係幾好喎。Option依家野, 玩得車預左架啦, FRP底板係感覺上無咁好 (在下實在唔會玩得出有咩分別, 所以只係"感覺上"), 有得包當然好, 無得包 ...
ftbingobingo 發表於 2009-6-30 20:36
好老實...........A210 & VM-II...........小弟就兩部都有買到............兩部都打哂水晶邊.........明顯 VM-II 底板嘅用料質量係比 A210 高一大截...........呢 d 嘢你一拎上手就知龍與鳳..........
唔信嘅師兄.......大可以買部 A210 先........玩殘之後.......賣咗佢換部 VM-II.........嗰陣你就明我意思o架嘞......... |