厚身皮帶應是為了耐用性,但我按說明書裝的鬆緊度設定應是較鬆的位置。最多是反轉了鬆緊碟裝才會過緊。聽說他們也會像T.o.p. Racing 一樣會出軟帶,但不知會否是白色或橙色軟帶。
不是大減牙托而是初期廠車左右穫形介子薄了些,這裡是利用介子來控制鬆緊度。大減軸左右我那輛是左右加0.1~0.2mm介子。但正式出售板車子那些原裝穫形介子應是厚些,用原廠白牙大齒應不會有很大左右搖。(p.s.如果玩3 Racing Sakura Zero的網友也說說現在用什麼牌子大齒和要加多少介子。大家可以交換些資料。)
香港新出售的 Sakura Zero 現在已經轉了是跑平平路面的短身彈簧了。當然什麼車也是一樣,不同路面情況也會用上不同彈簧設定。
There are many variables. . . . I think also important is availability of parts / upgrade options / price of parts etc. Cars are fast and racing is very competitive, if parts are not available, it will cost you time and energy to make it work. Best team drivers have lots of parts available to them so they can concentrate on the race and settings. So if cars are similar in design, the next natural question is PARTS availability.