只限白色物料果 o的, 透明果 o的 唔知得唔得作者: kennily 時間: 2010-3-23 16:45
thanks 勇兄, 我一陣去買 作者: ericsky 時間: 2010-3-24 01:19
綠色個隻係Everygreen ,美國貨,比雙星好摺,比雙星軟。作者: mlee 時間: 2010-3-25 13:47
I would prefer Evergreen..
But some old stock Everygreen can be bittle since it sat for long time... Look closely on the plastic bag, you can tell if the stock is old or not.作者: Q-pet 時間: 2010-3-25 15:41
係呀我都用雙星屈既..一用火一壇..之後屈到啦作者: hu2437 時間: 2010-3-25 23:52
C-hing!where can buy Everygreen or tamiya 膠條? thanks!作者: RefKK 時間: 2010-3-26 00:25
You can buy at KWS !作者: hu2437 時間: 2010-3-26 01:59