"各位唔好再係樹討論其他野, 有咩想對我講就PM我. PS: tiger1你偶像sam哥唔係咁鐘意人講野模模糊糊, 並唔係一句Sam was right就算了, 你起碼要講對錯在那裏,但講之前你一定要清楚自已講緊乜野,一定要人地明白.0K PM我講."
Apparently you really do not understand still. Sam was right. You were wrong. 你錯在 don't know 自已錯在那裏. I have no obligation to educate any individual. "一定要人地明白"? That depends on the intellectual capability of the listener.
Sam was not my 偶像.
Want to claim to be right? Educate yourself. You can easily look up these info on the net. Do not insult people. Worse, insult your own self.
Regardless of how many 汽缸 for an engine, every individual cylinder HAVE TO go up and down once for each revolution.
[ 本帖最後由 tiger1 於 2006-7-22 14:57 編輯 ] |