RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: f103 的新殼...新呔和新馬力 [打印本頁]

作者: abcde    時間: 2011-1-19 22:22
標題: f103 的新殼...新呔和新馬力
f103 用
1.colt 962c
2. xceed 220mm  f37 r35 油車呔....f 18xmm ....r 205mm  用f103gt 前後....
3.a123 3cell....hobby wing 35a 9t (4300kv)
希望油車呔有之前 星星呔咁咬啦....
作者: 3rock3rock    時間: 2011-1-19 23:12
Wa...wa..very nice.
Hope it perform well in this sat
作者: hk_sdu    時間: 2011-1-19 23:53
Nice tire and body match, it's GP setup.
Try to use more power later
作者: raymomo    時間: 2011-1-20 01:05
回復 1# abcde

    excellent x10!!! good good good
作者: kiev    時間: 2011-1-20 01:07
9t 仲要 3s 你都好勇下~~~ 你用幾多齒比 ? direct drive 加油同殺車大餅都好受力要注意 !

呢只 9t 我有隻同款的是 kv5600 ... 玩 2s A123 比 同廠 5.5t 更好...
作者: yeeha0518    時間: 2011-1-20 06:30
excellent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
作者: nel3838    時間: 2011-1-20 08:08
本帖最後由 nel3838 於 2011-1-20 08:16 編輯

very nice wor C-Hing, I am thinking of similar project.....
Curiously, is wheel base short or long, i.e. 257mm (touring/leman) or 270mm (F1)??

Do you play at JV?  Plan to go this weekend with my simple 104
作者: mikuro    時間: 2011-1-20 08:32
Good to see you change the new shell. Looking nice ^^
作者: abcde    時間: 2011-1-20 09:46
9t 仲要 3s 你都好勇下~~~ 你用幾多齒比 ? direct drive 加油同殺車大餅都好受力要注意 !

呢只 9t 我有 ...
kiev 發表於 2011-1-20 01:07

多謝師兄指教....現在是25/108...會先試2cell 先...因為呔 有65mm
嗰隻5600kv 魔打邊度有得買 ?   35a 應該用唔到呢不過我都有60a
同廠的5.5t (6000kv) 比較大咬...但無想像中咁快
作者: abcde    時間: 2011-1-20 09:47
very nice wor C-Hing, I am thinking of similar project.....
Curiously, is wheel base short or long, ...
nel3838 發表於 2011-1-20 08:08

it is a f103...therefore ..257mm..
sure @ JV...we almost every sat morning....
作者: abcde    時間: 2011-1-20 09:53
Nice tire and body match, it's GP setup.
Try to use more power later
hk_sdu 發表於 2011-1-19 23:53

yes....f103扮完 pro ten 後....
再次扮..200mm 油雞....
作者: dennis2008    時間: 2011-1-20 11:15
作者: abcde    時間: 2011-1-20 11:23
dennis2008 發表於 2011-1-20 11:15

不是...是給220mm 油車用的...比一般油車呔貴
頭 30mm...尾 4xmm
4xmm...差不多有f103 或 pro ten 尾呔咁濶.....
作者: dennis2008    時間: 2011-1-20 11:25
作者: RC881    時間: 2011-1-20 12:47
照舊用橙+白配色 , 夠耀眼 , GOOD
作者: abcde    時間: 2011-1-20 12:51
cat shop ...red star.....有幫........
f $90...r $95....need $185
be care ...real total have 205mm ..more than 200mm...a little bit out of the shell....so oil car body may cover...but those pan car 200mm body should be no good....
that mean  colt is prefect....
作者: lawlaw    時間: 2011-1-20 12:52
colt 962c
車殼邊度有得賣 ..THX
作者: dennis2008    時間: 2011-1-20 13:00
作者: abcde    時間: 2011-1-20 13:08
dennis2008 發表於 2011-1-20 13:00

last sun have ching test in JV...i saw it use f109 also work..that mean it work....
btw....those 220mm oil car body in cat shop should be also good look on 220mm tire....
作者: abcde    時間: 2011-1-20 13:08
colt 962c
車殼邊度有得賣 ..THX
lawlaw 發表於 2011-1-20 12:52

i guess rcmart should have...
作者: abcde    時間: 2011-1-20 13:09
照舊用橙+白配色 , 夠耀眼 , GOOD
RC881 發表於 2011-1-20 12:47

easy look for me ma....
作者: fyin    時間: 2011-1-20 13:37
Nice body bro, you can change new photo to yr site ICON now.
see U Sat and my F1 with new body also la.
作者: mikuro    時間: 2011-1-20 13:39
Nice body bro, you can change new photo to yr site ICON now.
see U Sat and my F1 with new body al ...
fyin 發表於 2011-1-20 13:37

    Hi Francis, will you post the picture on the new F1 body ? ^^
作者: fyin    時間: 2011-1-20 17:15
回復 23# mikuro

Hi Bro,
You will see my F1 new body on coming Sat moring.
I'm on sticking the body decals.
作者: abcde    時間: 2011-1-20 17:26
回復  mikuro

Hi Bro,
You will see my F1 new body on coming Sat moring.
I'm on sticking the bod ...
fyin 發表於 2011-1-20 17:15

買左乜野殼? protoform or 星星的......?送d頭尾翼比你
作者: fyin    時間: 2011-1-20 17:41
回復 25# abcde

作者: 3rock3rock    時間: 2011-1-20 23:35
Waiting for you guys on this sat
作者: abcde    時間: 2011-1-21 00:24
Waiting for you guys on this sat
3rock3rock 發表於 2011-1-20 23:35

play 235 or 200 ?..play f1 with fyin ?
i will play 12 son and that 扮油雞.....
作者: 3rock3rock    時間: 2011-1-21 01:07
Hyperdrive 200mm and F103 with pro10 wheel
作者: abcde    時間: 2011-1-21 01:55
Hyperdrive 200mm and F103 with pro10 wheel
3rock3rock 發表於 2011-1-21 01:07

mmm...f103 with pro ten wheel.....!!!!!
need to see see how it work and how the cost to modifty....
作者: abcde    時間: 2011-1-22 22:51
第一餅電.......用2cell a123.....試下差速同220mm 呔咬唔咬....所以無落呔水........結果非常好控...呔都好咬 (可能因為速度唔太快)
第二餅電.......3cell a123.....試下真正速度..無落呔水..頭半餅電...非常好玩...好控 ...速度高.. .但係....掃左大餅.... .. 之後整好再試...
第三餅電......3cell a123.....諗住一路玩落去....點之玩左一半...發覺開始有d liu..但都玩到.....回本看看呔表面...發覺厡來頭尾呔
都開左呔 (無左表面凹凸紋) 之前第一餅電好走..因為頭尾呔都未開.(速度唔高)....得到頭尾平均 ....第二餅電好好控..有d推頭...非常好玩...厡因是頭呔未開..但尾呔開左..尾呔受到強大馬力 (3cell) ...第三餅電有d liu...厡因是頭尾呔都開左...頭變得咬左..所以在有大馬力時(3cell) 比較難控....
第四餅電.... 3cell a123.....落尾呔水....希望有第二餅電操控.....初時呔水未乾...好liu下...但走左兩圈都係liu 點解呢 ? ...到第三四圈...開始得...尾咬...變得好控了...完成第四餅電...都好滿意....之後諗..可能因為是油車呔...海綿密度高d....所以呔水無滲得咁好...好多係表面所以要多兩圈先開始唔liu......
第五餅電....3cell a123....落尾呔水....玩到收車都幾好...只係要等頭幾圈行完d呔水先咬可以比大油....
第六餅電....2cell a123.....因為只整左4餅 3cell ..為有玩返2cell 先.....好控..但無左之前火箭速度 ...但都好好控...好好走...
總結....呔...ok 如果有硬d頭呔就好.. ...f37 .r35...xceed 220mm 油車呔
殼.....都好好走...leman 形壓風幾好....
作者: 3rock3rock    時間: 2011-1-22 23:31
Thank you for your letting me to have a try.
The handling is really good.
The outlook is very very attractive.
作者: mikuro    時間: 2011-1-23 00:26
第一餅電.......用2cell a123.....試下差速同220mm 呔咬唔咬....所以無落呔水........結 ...
abcde 發表於 2011-1-22 22:51

Seems you have a very good results on testing your F103 ^^
See you soon !
作者: abcde    時間: 2011-1-23 00:40
Thank you for your letting me to have a try.
The handling is really good.
The outlook is very very ...
3rock3rock 發表於 2011-1-22 23:31

it really another view on f103...it very good on formula.....better than f104...if can change to play leman...like a 1/10 pan car....it can change to f103GT...play foam tire and 膠 tire...also now can use 220MM oil car tire to play  ...really
作者: abcde    時間: 2011-1-23 00:41
Seems you have a very good results on testing your F103 ^^
See you soon !
mikuro 發表於 2011-1-23 00:26

yes...it really good test today and have many 2wd play ....
作者: JohnnyC    時間: 2011-1-23 00:58
回復 31# abcde

    since a nice to party wor....cheers!
作者: yung2yee    時間: 2011-1-24 10:24
作者: wiggles    時間: 2011-1-24 15:28
Great info c hing.  Thanks for sharing.

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