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chichichibo 發表於 2011-6-12 23:10:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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大家好, 本人係新手一名, 對RC CAR真的沒有認識...
但係我SEARCH了一下, 初步知道一些, 現在想問問, 如果我想玩DRIFT, 請問有咩BRAND, 同咩車架好? (本人身在AUSTRALIA, 想ONLINE買一架DRIFT RC CAR, 想買好一點的, 價錢由$1500-2500 (連其他accessories, eg, battery, charger) 也OK, 但希望不需要太多改裝...)

我知道有:TT-01D, TT-01E, TA-05, TB-03, TB-03D, 以上是TAYAMI...
我想問問它們的分別, 我已知的是:
TA-05好像很形, 但我知道它是帶動, 應該不適合DRIFT....
TB-03D 好像是新形車架....但不知有什麼優勢....
TT-01E, 應該不是DRIFT CAR吧?
還有YOKOMO, 很多人推介似的....
2) 其實玩DRIFT, 是否一定要使用DRIFT CAR 車架?
3)市面有一些drift pack, 好像TAYAMI既DRIFT PACK, 是TT-01D 車架, 一套有埋LED lights, 其實這些package好不好? 還是自己出外自己逐樣執比較好?
4) 車殼是否可以交換使用? 例: TT-01E 使用在TT-01D 或TA-05, 或TB-03D?
(我看見有些車很漂亮, 可以它不是DRIFT VERSION, 例: 好似TT-01E有BMW M3, 但係TT-01D車架中, 就沒有M3了...)

希望大家可以提供一點你們的專業意見和講解一下不同車架的用途...以及有什麼車款推介(TAYAMI or YOKOMO or 其他brand such as HPI)
kkchung 發表於 2011-6-13 02:55:56 | 只看該作者
TT-01 車系是 TAMIYA 入門級車架。( TT-01 type E 是 TT-01 的改良板。然後兩者再加多 D 字尾是連了一些如 DRIFT 呔等零件的版本。 全部基本是同一輛車,只是裝備不同。)

TA-05 車系和 TB-03 車系是 TAMIYA 中級車架,分別只是皮帶或直軸驅動。其間各自也有不同的改良板及 DRIFT 板。

而 TA-05 車系和 TB-03 車系也有較高級裝備的 DRIFT 板,分別是 TA-05 VDF 和 TB03 VDS 。

玩 DRIFT 是有些特別設計的車架,高級車主流以皮帶驅動為主。如想中級價錢性能有保障,選 Street Jam OTA-R31 這主流車架之一。控制性能各地評價很高,晚一些也有頂級版的 OTA-R3R 。


頂級車其他廠 drift car 有 Yokomo DRB HYPER SSG SPECIAL 、 Hot Bodies TC-FD  、 ALEX RACING DESIGN CER D11 、enRoute JXR 等等。而香港的 3Racing 未來也會有一輛 drift car 而詳細資料不太清楚。

而令一台灣MST 團隊設計的 MS-01D 會有令一牌子 Spice Desire SRD-01 Drift Chassis 發行,價錢也是不會太貴。

大便丸 發表於 2011-6-13 11:07:13 | 只看該作者
yakuza 發表於 2011-6-13 12:58:10 | 只看該作者
回復 chichichibo 的帖子

C-hing, where are you located? i also live in Aust, if we are live in a same city, you should come over to watch our Rc drift group here..
wrxsti 發表於 2011-6-13 13:11:09 | 只看該作者
wrxsti 發表於 2011-6-13 13:11:50 | 只看該作者
kelvin2626 發表於 2011-6-13 16:23:37 | 只看該作者

請問你本雜誌是否將介紹drift car ?
lf2c 發表於 2011-6-13 17:29:33 | 只看該作者
亦都有ching 推薦 Sakura Zero S 玩Drift~
 樓主| chichichibo 發表於 2011-6-18 01:49:41 | 只看該作者
回復 yakuza 的帖子

Hi, i am in Perth, where are u?
 樓主| chichichibo 發表於 2011-6-18 02:07:58 | 只看該作者
回復 kkchung 的帖子

其他brand, 會不會在海外比較難找parts?
會不會使用大路的tamiya 比較方便?
我看post, 不是說帶動的不太適合玩drift嗎? 不是說軸動的好一點嗎?
so, 如果要選tamiya的話, 是否以TA-05 VDF 和 TB-03 VDS 為首選? 那這兩架, 那一架比較好呢? (因為我只可以ONLINE買, 想問清楚才MAKE ORDER....)
其實我只是閒來拿來玩玩(以前細個冇錢買, 大個工作了, 想買番黎玩, 完了自己小時候的DREAM, 想玩一些中階的, $2000-$3000的就可以了, 不用太貴, 那以上的是否GOOD CHOICES?
in terms of the accessibility of the spare/ mod parts, level of maintainence, performance of the car such as handling, speed, etc, TAMIYA是否一個可靠的BRAND? 還是買YOKOMO (感覺這個BRAND很多人推介)好? or even other brands?
本人覺得TAMIYA的tt-01d 好像幾好, 又有LED LIGHTS FOR 外觀....但是看見它們有其他所謂NEW VERSION FOR DRIFT, 好似TB-03車架, 便又不知該怎樣選擇了......還是go for 很多人推介的yokomo....唉...
yakuza 發表於 2011-6-19 19:53:14 | 只看該作者
chichichibo 發表於 2011-6-18 02:49
回復 yakuza 的帖子

Hi, i am in Perth, where are u?

Ooops, I am in Adelaide...by the way, I suggest go for Yokomo drift package, do it once and right, don't get any cheap and dodgy stuff.
defcone 發表於 2011-6-19 19:56:22 | 只看該作者
Ohhh, I am in Sydney. Most tracks don't like drifters as it destroys the traction on the surface of the track. So ask your local track if they allow drifters.
 樓主| chichichibo 發表於 2011-6-19 21:56:19 | 只看該作者
回復 defcone 的帖子

I intend not to play on the track, instead, i would just plan to play in on some indoor playground such as indoor basketball court.
 樓主| chichichibo 發表於 2011-6-19 21:58:30 | 只看該作者
回復 yakuza 的帖子

So, Yokomo is the best choice?
i did think of that too, but just worrying if there is enough spare parts in Australia.
and, in terms of handling, performance, accessibility of the parts, would Yokomo be good enough when in comparison to brand like Tayami?
 樓主| chichichibo 發表於 2011-6-19 22:06:25 | 只看該作者
my budget is like $2000-$3000 HKD including all those battery, receiver, remote control...etc..
what would be the recommendation?
enough for the Yokomo? if so, which car chasis should i choose?
and if i go for Tamiya, which car chasis should i choose? TT-01D? or TB-03D? or any other choice?
i am struggling with the car chasis.........dont know which one to choose =='

(and i want to go for drift pack, coz i am not going to play any track racing, but just for fun on my own, so, i think drift pack would be a good choice for me to play with (at least i dont feel bored with the drift pack by playing the drifts on my own, unlike the normal RC car keep making laps....)
yakuza 發表於 2011-6-20 19:50:18 | 只看該作者
chichichibo 發表於 2011-6-19 22:58
回復 yakuza 的帖子

So, Yokomo is the best choice?

Why bother get your spare parts from the local shop? they charge you fortune for a bolt mate.
I get all my RC stuff from ebay or online shop.
Yes, Yokomo is good enough to against Tamiya, but more important is your skill. Just get your drift car and practice.
 樓主| chichichibo 發表於 2011-6-20 21:10:17 | 只看該作者
回復 yakuza 的帖子

have your got any good online store or ebay seller recommendation?
i mean, for those who are reliable, sufficient parts, good return/exchange policy, fast shipping....etc?
P.S. does any of the Yokomo RC drift car have LED lights decoration as well?
it looks cool with the LED while playing
by far, i know Tamiya TT-03D drift pack has the LED decoration, but wonder if Yokomo does as well or not..
yakuza 發表於 2011-6-21 14:45:20 | 只看該作者
回復 chichichibo 的帖子

We always get our RC stuff from RXmart, they are very reliable, also from eBay as well.
Normally, the basic drift chassis comes with a funky bodyshell, but they never provide with LED kit for lighting, you have to get your own from RC supplier or eBay again, it just cost you about 20usd. If you go for Yokomo, you even need to get the light bucket (LED mounting piece) separate.
My friend is selling his TB-03d with heaps of modification ATM, just pm me if you ate interested.
 樓主| chichichibo 發表於 2011-6-21 20:07:49 | 只看該作者
回復 yakuza 的帖子

Thanks for the information~
RXmart? is it a member here? or a web site?
hmm, i still not sure whether going for the Yokomo or Tamiya...
does the TB-03D orginally come with the LED lights too?
and i know nth about mods, so, thinking should i start with a stock car, and mod it up step by step to learn more or not.....
anyway, thanks a lot, and will let you know if i have made up my mind.
yakuza 發表於 2011-6-21 20:27:00 | 只看該作者
回復 chichichibo 的帖子

No mate, there is rcmart.com, don't want to do the Ad for them, hehe
TB-03d doesnt come with LED kit, not even bodyshell, but the good thing is you can customize your own.
Don't worry too much the LED kit, it is very cheap and easy to install, try to focusing more on the chassis and the radio set, they are really effect your drift performance.
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