I agree with C hing, as now I am progress learning how to set it to my driving style too but it will be nice, like C hing sharing what their set up are...
OIC now I am using 48 the car seems ok, I have try new setting but now do have some over-steering at rear...
Downstop, all same for front and rear at 5
Ride High at 5/5.5
Camber 1/1
Front Toe out 1/rear original
MY TRF 417用Hobbywing 60A + 5.5T Brushless 113T/26T , MOTOR TEMP 70 DEGREE, VERY SLOW, I'LL TRY TO ...
Did you update the ESC? And did you run on the finial Gear Ratio for your motor? As now yours should be 8.45 for final gear ratio, mine seems slow compare to my friends using the same 5.5T motor (mine is 4.5T) but my guess is he set turbo (he always catch me at 2/3 of the straight road) and I use 48 patch 84/18 and after updating the ESC, its better not slow but not faster than my friend....