本帖最後由 epc_mem 於 2011-11-25 16:45 編輯
第一階段 :
請問有無荃葵青區車友?可否報一報 ? 遲o的有o野可能要幫手 !
其實我個人已經比o左個建議區議會(荃灣)同政府各部門. 提議在荃灣新建一個車場.
區議員回覆話要係 11月 完成選舉後先跟進, 我亦明白. 因為可能未必個現任區議員連任.
政府方面, 回覆話會盡快回覆 ~
不過, 以防萬一如果政府方面回覆建議不通過. 我可能會收集簽名支持這個建議 !
因為全香港現有車場只有, 佐敦谷公園, 隧道入口處休憩花園 和 天水圍公園. 三個o甘多....o既車場 !
而身在荃葵青及各區的車友最近都要去長途跋涉去正式車場玩 ! 又或o姐大家玩車時間都是在食環署o的人收工或私人場 ~
但係以我過來人o既經驗和現實, 其實亦有不小學生或輪班工作o既車友 !
唔通我o地真係成日都要好似老鼠"甲由"係o的無咩人同地方先玩得 ?
所以歡迎各位支持呢項建議o既師兄留下名字, 如果真係要o甘(收集簽名支持)做我會繼續嘗試 !
謝謝 !謝謝 !謝謝 !謝謝 !謝謝 !謝謝 !謝謝 !
如果有興趣, 我可以上載建議文件 !
請先集合 !
唔該唔該, 謝謝 !
1. epc_mem
2. 波爺
3. jx511
5. pl
6. 葉生
7. oscarchoi
9. Noir.KAZE
10. ㊣
11. @JOLY@
12. leongeric
13. sing.kh8212
15. ives123
16. fai0612
17. 4x4jaos
18. feihome1
19. bigheman
20. ricekwan
21. snowsenki
22. hinwong
23. kclam
24. joeechiu
25. 波爺
26. MOS
27. bigheman
29. herbert1
30. ae110hk
31. rcringo
32. BUZZ777
33. cherwowo
最新進度 :
15-9-2011 : 提建議給荃灣區議會 - 有區議員回應 11月6日 後若再當議員定必跟進.
20-9-2011 : 提建議給政府部門 (lcsd, hyd, fehd) - 政府部門已回應盡快回覆 ....... 等
21-9-2011 : 荃灣區議會主席回覆已把建議交給 lcsd 跟進.
07-10-2011 : lcsd 回覆 D:%5Cproposal:
從︰ lcsdenq <[email protected]>
收件人︰ [email protected]
傳送日期︰ 2011年10月7日 (週五) 2:46 PM
主題︰ Suggestion of a new facility in Tsuen Wan West (Case Ref: 1-314084259)
7 October 2011
Further to our email of 21 September 2011, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department has replied as follows -
" There are about 295,000 population in Tsuen Wan District as at 2011. Taking reference from the Hong Kong Planning Standard and Guidelines (HKPSG), around 59 hectares of open space should be provided for Tsuen Wan District. Currently, there are about 89.3 hectares of open space (including 80 hectares from Leisure and Cultural Services Department and 9.3 hectares from Housing Department) in the District. The requirements on provision of open space as set out in the HKPSG have been met and there is existing surplus of open space in Tsuen Wan District. Currently, we do not have any plan to develop open space in Tsuen Wan District.
We appreciated your valuable suggestion and will take them into account in our future planning of new facilities in Tsuen Wan District."
If you have any enquiry, please contact us.
11-10-2011 : 今日我再回覆 :
(Case Ref : 1-314084259) It is very happy to receive the reply fromLCSD shortly. I understand the areas were fulfilling the existingand the forecast of planning standard / needs in Tsuen Wan. However, my suggestion is a view point onthe hygiene, security, a need for substantial development of a sport and aplease to some residents near this open space. In addition, most of the Leisurefacilities in Tsuen Wan were setup as children playgrounds, places for elder’s torest, basketball and football fields. Even, there is a place for the pets (Inside Tsuen Wan Park)but why there is no any other setup for other types of sports. In the promotion of “Sports in the city”from Hong Kong Government, do we still mind to use this additional small openarea (less than 2 hectares) to accommodate one more type of sport in Tsuen Wan ? On the other hand, the place was treated asruins now a day. It is really caused wastage of the resources. Hope can be a good news. Regards,
11-10-2011 : lcsd 已回信,盡快回覆 ....... 等
25-10-2011 : 今天寄o左封比霍生, 睇o下有咩反應 ~ ....... 等, lcsd 仲未有回覆, 下星期打去 1823 鬧o下班 "o難藤" 先 !!
25-11-2011 : 有回覆啦 ~ (lcsd)
Thank you for writing to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department on 11 Oct 2011. Please note that enquiries and complaints made to the department are handled by the 1823 Call Centre of the Government..
The Leisure and Cultural Services Department has reply as follow -
"Your valuable suggestions on the provision of leisure facilities in Tsuen Wan district are noted. The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) is committed to providing a wide range of leisure facilities for members of the public. In considering the provision of new leisure facilities in Tsuen Wan district, LCSD will make reference to the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines, the views of Tsuen Wan District Council, public demand for facilities, the population of Tsuen Wan district, the trend of the prevailing sports and the availability of resources.
Thank you again for your concern on the leisure facilities in Tsuen Wan district"
If you have any enquiry, please contact us.
師兄們, 你o地有咩意見 ?