標題: 12仔在jv報銷了 [打印本頁] 作者: joeechiu 時間: 2011-10-21 00:01 標題: 12仔在jv報銷了 星期四晚去了jv试新esc,当玩到第三排電直中反了,我大叫直路有反车,,,点之有部好像不知道full油撞了我部12仔,,,点知道那位人兄說聽不到,,,晕,,,我那么大叫好多人都聽到拉,之后我看我部车有什么爛, 麾打坐要全換新,油壓尾麾打坐上的c形炭板要換,哈哈可以休息一下作者: vonerr 時間: 2011-10-21 00:15
Haha,你就係昨日借噴噴果位師兄! 作者: vonerr 時間: 2011-10-21 00:18
玩車有時係今,我部Ta05上次係橋底被5,6架車撞,轉向杯servo ko 哂 作者: chui 時間: 2011-10-21 00:29
有啲新手真係分唔到心,聽到都會唔到意,點都好,唔好嬲渦!作者: singlau714 時間: 2011-10-21 01:07
我就是那位"說聽不到的人兄".... 我的T3也嚴重受損...但我也立即說對不起啦...
But anyway, I say "I am sorry" again.... 下一次,你設置好你的12仔 !!! 不要直路反车. 這將對軌道上的每個人都好 !!!作者: 19R 時間: 2011-10-21 01:20 回復 singlau714 的帖子
佢叫反車, 到你撞埋去, 隔左幾耐?
爭1-2隻彎, 撞到無得嘈, 爭3隻彎以上都話聽唔到, 就抵_啦作者: singlau714 時間: 2011-10-21 02:15
我的朋友告訴我: 我到直路頭,佢叫直路有反车, 不到1秒撞车....我認為這是意外,所以我並沒有責怪他。我當時立即說對不起。
I truly understand his sadness about the accident. But so did I..... 作者: Hpibbq 時間: 2011-10-21 07:19
I support Singlau714 in this case.
一係事主由頭叫到尾, 唔關幾多隻彎事, 有時聽唔到就係聽唔到
大家都係玩車. 互相忍讓一下.作者: nel3838 時間: 2011-10-21 07:51 本帖最後由 nel3838 於 2011-10-21 07:58 編輯
Last night was a fun night, and C-Hings are quite polite ., as many were very good to avoid our "white pig" F1s. "thank you" all. (though not so lucky for our friend 1/12 laa...)
Many top drivers at races, somehow, no matter how many accidents, obstacles, turn over cars or traffic on the track, they simply don't hit anything, and so....they win . (Love the way Hara drives "cool and smooth")
作者: hihizaza 時間: 2011-10-21 08:18
係味為靚而無加防反天線呢?我以前都係咪,一cup就起唔到身,好易比人撞,現在加左天線,差不多唔使執車呀!作者: g679654 時間: 2011-10-21 08:41
一定要加天線呀!作者: tsanpong 時間: 2011-10-21 08:47
12仔+防反天線, good 作者: tiger1 時間: 2011-10-21 08:52
this kind of accident always happen on track, no big deal. $$ will be spent in RC car anyway.作者: tiger1 時間: 2011-10-21 08:52
Move on and have another happy day. More happy race days to come 作者: joeechiu 時間: 2011-10-21 08:58
各位C HING 我說出來不是要說那個不對,我個人只是喜歡張玩車感覺說出來,不是要指責別人,我自己明白玩車有這問題,不用說什麼SORRY了,大家不是有心撞,只要大家玩車開心,玩車一定會有撞車,希望大家各C HING 不要吾會我說出來,便各那個C HING 不對, 作者: Long2010 時間: 2011-10-21 09:20
咁情況, 我通常會第一時間跑雲看台上所有車手後面重覆大叫"直路反車...."作者: singlau714 時間: 2011-10-21 09:34 回復 joeechiu 的帖子
Thank you... let's enjoy RC..... including the "spending $$ part"...... lol. 作者: tiger1 時間: 2011-10-21 10:07
joeechiu has a good attitude and will have a lot of fun playing RC
The reality is that when we are driving, we are too focused, sometime can't hear even when people shout out loud. 作者: tiger1 時間: 2011-10-21 10:52
I found it silly when someone crash a car at the track and ask people to pay $$, if it is so important for the $$, buy liability insurance like real car la 作者: g679654 時間: 2011-10-21 10:56
師兄可以試新車啦!向好方面睇!作者: seven 時間: 2011-10-21 11:40 本帖最後由 seven 於 2011-10-21 11:42 編輯
the fun of rc is to get into accident without getting too badly hurt of injured, also not too much $$$ involved 作者: Hpibbq 時間: 2011-10-21 14:26 本帖最後由 Hpibbq 於 2011-10-21 14:26 編輯