If you want to keep the self fabrication to minimum. Get a center difflocker from Vertigo Performance, this will let you use Traxxas yokeswith little modification.
Then, get 2 packs of Traxxas Drive Steel Yokes (Part#[size=-1]4628X).Use 1 pack (with 2 steel yokes) per side (front and rear). Use a dremelwith a cutoff wheel to cut off the part that sticks out off 2 of theyokes (1 per package). The cut one will be used to mount on the axlepinion. I recommend using a dremel, unless you have a mill. Handsawsare pretty useless against harden steel. I've even tried bandsaw, butthe dremel is way faster.
Circled part is what to cut off. The reason for cutting that area offis because for the little grub screw to hold onto the axle pinionshaft. With that part not cut off, the grub screws just reach the endsof the shafts. So by cutting it, it will move the spot where the grubscrew holds on to the middle of the shaft.