錄自" Rcgroups forums :
Kmot from Los Angeles USA
"You guys really have some fantastic models! What is that double pointed boat? Image 1971."
Adagio from Brisbane Aust.
" That's Henry's Hong Kong Harbour Ferry - about 1 metre long, several decks and with about 150 people aboard. "
J.Glor from Valencia CA. USA
"Brings back fond memories of R & R in Hong Kong during a 'previous life' and when Hong Kong was still a colony. Is the model scratch built, a kit, or one of Arkmodel's?"
Dancin from Qld Aust.
"Henry totally scratch built her from a couple of photos and did his own drawings from memory. The fore and aft masts are raised and lowered, and the lights turn on, all by radio.
Clever sod, he also won an award on the day for her.
得到通知,更榮獲"模型年度獎",頒獎礼於今年的Christmax party,給小弟打了一支强心針..... 開心!