吹水既定義因人而議....有D人鍾意一邊吹水一邊交流心得....如果靜係齋出 POST 分享製作...我諗會好悶或者可能冇人會出 POST 囉....( 個人認為 師傅或師兄出 POST 分享只係個人喜好,冇必要故意出 POST 教授製作過程...又唔係收左錢....)
我唔係好識講野,說話比較直接希望 師兄們多多包涵.... SORRY !!
係唔係好滾呢?其實吹水唔太多冇問題,就係例如個”咬”字都十幾個 post, 瞓覺又講,食飯又講,其實我 ...
Ching, thks for your idea, but discuss group is for discuss, not only for training, good or not only for subjective mindset. My idea is Ching post something is not easy thing, and they (include me) said something as a joke just a communication with our good relationship. no need so care la.... hahahaha