一個所謂"capable"嘅儍仔左穿右插玩Q死佢自己,炒佢部膠車, who cares? 抵Q死,佢賤命一條,輕 ...
haha maybe u don't drive that often, there're indeed MANY capable drivers driving so-called cheap Jap cars. To me driving through traffic is only "not following what the rest are doing", nothing special.
or we should simply ban ALL drivers below 30 yrs old hehehehehe
仍然一舊雲一樣!呢個唔係age problem, 係attitude problem! Who cares 你以為你手車有幾叻,it is in the process of how 呢啲所謂「capable drivers」妄想以為一己之欲係可以唔理對其他道路使用者所構成嘅潛在危險,同disregard 其他人嘅安全同利益。
仍然一舊雲一樣!呢個唔係age problem, 係attitude problem! Who cares 你以為你手車有幾叻,it is in the ...
To be frank I don't see how "specially" dangerous those drivers are when compared to other acts on the road hehehehe
You can always record and report those drivers if you fancy