TEAM C RTR D 膠係易爛好多~~~ 我同朋友一人一架, 佢就TC02C RTR 我就TC02C。佢就成日爛野, 原裝膠避震成日到底~~~ 建議你去買TEAM C 原裝金屬避震。有粗有幼, 買粗好貴不過一勞永逸。如果想平D玩, 幼個組都好OK, 至於用幾多度油就睇你習慣同玩咩場~~~ 我成日跳車就用硬DD
C-Hing,This is not a normal part KO, the car undergo heavy impact to cause such breakage... This kind of breakage happened to my DB01 before with nose down tumbling impact. Damper took the biggest hit.... it seems to me that the plastic from Team C is stronger than Tamiya....