原帖由 Rcrounder 於 2007-1-11 01:24 發表
need to make each cell to have same amount of 電 left. If the new cell is near fully charged and the other five is empty you will get 水滾
原帖由 GigaRacer 於 2007-1-11 01:42 發表
You are right, 死電是好灰..... I have a dead Epic 3800 stick pack. I had to unwrap it, and make it a side by side, and put it on a Trinity DPD to identify which one dead. I thought it's recovere ...
我已經先將排電放落部 MUCH MORE放電機度放電先(CTX-D), 但係顯示粒電無電壓(0.00V), 噤我咪諗住差佢睇會吾會係粒新電電壓太低所以無顯示囉, 點知差左幾分鐘就出事啦 , 粒電正極果邊出晒水呀 , 就噤樣粒新電就死左啦 |