原帖由 tiger1 於 2007-1-28 09:20 發表 Yes, that is Mr. Eustace Moore. He's the guy who owns MIP. He used to run rc10, convert them into 4wd, then become a business.
原帖由 minimini 於 2007-1-13 01:32 AM 發表 you mean this one ??....... 嗰陣用呢 set 孖速 + RX 540VZ + Turbo Optima........ 簡直係一絕......超快 !!....... I still got this 2-speed set now ......
原帖由 fyin 於 2007-1-30 00:44 發表 Hi Minimini, I remember I had this RC10 2WD in 1988
原帖由 Evo5 於 2007-1-30 01:03 發表 s h i t man !! u still have this 2 speed ???? I think u are about the same age with me !!!! How many do u have ?? any for sale ??
原帖由 tiger1 於 2007-11-3 00:57 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 Hot trick is rare but frankyl I think their conversion in general are not that great in terms of performance. More for the look only....
原帖由 tiger1 於 2007-11-4 12:24 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 I think this funky brand was too much ahead of it's time back then. Most youngsters had no $$ then.
原帖由 minimini 於 2007-11-3 00:33 發表 登錄/註冊後可看大圖 more pictures of HotTricks ........ photos from http://www93.sakura.ne.jp/~time-tunnel/ 大家又記唔記得佢哋原本係咩車呢 ??...... 呢幾部衰鬼而家真係有 $$ 都未必買得番........
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