Are you using the 2 degree toe in rear uprights? they help to give straight line stability.
If you are using them already then try adjusting the toe on the front wheels, if the front wheels have toe out the car will turn quickly, but can wander (go side to side) on the straights, if you have toe in the car will turn slower, but should go straight.
原帖由 Evo5 於 2007-1-29 12:38 發表
2 degree toe in rear uprights......IC
I am using standard now !
where i can get the 2 degree toe in rear uprights ?
and how much pls ?
use m03m F part from tamiya.......kws about $3x-40
there are new c hub too
M03M F parts are good because the front uprights are a lot stronger ... but you will also need to buy the new bearings to suit - 8x 1050 bearings are needed to use the F parts.
If you already have bearings on your M03 and just need 2 degree rear toe in, you can buy 53345 TL01/M03 rear uprights.
原帖由 Tim 於 2007-1-30 05:13 AM 發表
M03M F parts are good because the front uprights are a lot stronger ... but you will also need to buy the new bearings to suit - 8x 1050 bearings are needed to use the F parts.